Saturday, February 4, 2012

Could we be seeing a revolution in movies based on games?

This is similar to an article Game Informer wrote last month. I'm sure you've seen the Prince of Persia trailer (if you haven't go watch it!). If Prince of Persia is successful, do you think that movies based on games can actually become decent blockbusters (like Spiderman, Batman, etc.). Also, what games would you like to see made into movies? Personally, I'm dying for movies based on Uncharted and Infamous.Could we be seeing a revolution in movies based on games?
That's a tough question. Usually when a game makes the jump to the big screen, it suffers horribly at the hands of the director's whim. Look at Resident Evil, Super Mario Brothers and Double Dragon for example. On the other hand, movies done in CGI usually come out brilliant and extremely true to their game's vision, but also suffer as being little more than fanservice to the die-hards. Final Fantasy VII Advent Children is a prime example of this. I loved it to smithereens but anyone who has never played the game wouldn't get it at ALL.

But anyway, since we're wishing, here are some movies I've wanted to see made for a while...

Metroid (The Prime Trilogy)

The Legend of Zelda (Either OoT or TP - these could be EPIC if done right, a la Lord of the Rings)

Metal Gear Solid (I hear they are actually in the process of getting that one going :D)

Gears of War

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (They wouldn't need to do much, the cutscenes in that game rival the quality of Advent Children and they already run longer combined than a feature length movie)

That's about it. I have others, but they've already been done and destroyed so there's no point in listing them.


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