Saturday, February 11, 2012

If the NEW game BatMan Arkham Asyulm good?

Is BatMan ArkHam good? Get me a descioton of it and what its like plz is it haunting? creepy? Fun? Is it a puzzly game, strategy game? Stuf like that tell meIf the NEW game BatMan Arkham Asyulm good?
Absolutely brilliant if you love batman 10/10 or i your buying it because you saw the advert then 9/10 but the stealth/free flowing combat in the game is brilliant Amazingly long i have played about 8 hours and im on 36% completed so to the point.Yes you should buy it
I haven't played it, but Guinness world records pretty much called it the best superhero game ever.

I has also received a general score of 91 out of a 100.

So hell yeah its goodIf the NEW game BatMan Arkham Asyulm good?
It is an amazing game, i played it from noon to 4pm today and im only about 16% of the way complete, this game is so worth the money, it has everything your asking and more, you can go in guns a blazing (thats a term im using, there is no guns for you to use) or you can do everything stealthy and scare the crap out of your opponents, they even act scared if you creep them out with noises and stuffIf the NEW game BatMan Arkham Asyulm good?
yeah its awesome game i got it for xbox360 and its a good game act like as the worlds greatest detective and its like creepy and its a puzzlying game as well and many secrets to uncover in the mad house have fun its about a 8 hour game 4 hours of story and 8 hours of secrets but thats only if you know where all of them are

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