Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Which game is worth buying batman arkham asylum or final fantasy 13?

I want batman AA cuz it's a stealth game and I want ff 13 cuz it's a role playing game but I can't decide which game to buy so which game is worth buying?Which game is worth buying batman arkham asylum or final fantasy 13?
I would go for Arkham Asylum. The graphics are ace.
They're two wildly different games if you ask me, so you can't outright say X is better than Y. It depends what you're looking for!

FFXIII is slower paced with richer story line. There's a lot of stats building and various questing and the like, and it's a more open and vastly larger world you're working in. And you're working with a team that you have to build up and balance to what kind of fighting styles you like. Also, it's a fantasy based game, so sparkley powers and fantastic monsters and the like.

Batman is more basic kind of go here, do that gameplay. It's fighting and stealth and gadgets, leading you into individual level bosses. It's not hugely stealth based tbh, though there is that element in it.

FFXIII probably going to be better for your money as you'll be playing it forever, whereas Batman is a couple of gameplays worth. Both are pretty dammed awesome though.Which game is worth buying batman arkham asylum or final fantasy 13?
it depends what games you like if you like games with great characters and a breathtaking storyline then you should go with final fantasy but if you like open fighting games and not much story so therefore more devoted to game play then go with batman AAWhich game is worth buying batman arkham asylum or final fantasy 13?
Final Fantasy... More for your money.
i think you should go for batman..it has amazing graphics..

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