Saturday, February 4, 2012

Im having trouble between 3 games assassins creed 4 batman ac and mw3 but i lik free roam games please help me?

im having trouble between 3 games assassins creed 4 batman ac and mw3 but i lik free roam games please help me i mean i have an xbox nd what if i run out of membership so i cnt ply multiplayer nd ill jst be plyn story all the time arkam city though u need no membership nd its free roam but wat if u run out of things to do nd theres no more missions or extra missions but acr is cool its free roam nd i heard its like a never ending story so i wnt get board please help me chooseIm having trouble between 3 games assassins creed 4 batman ac and mw3 but i lik free roam games please help me?
Batman: Arkham Asylum is the greatest comic book videogame of all time. This is an adult Dark Knight story that is well-told, packs some truly fun gameplay elements, has topnotch voice talent, and feels like it's part of Batman canon. If I have to nitpick, I wish the cutscenes looked better as they can distract from the tale and that the AI was a bit more responsive, but those are tiny flaws that shouldn't distract from the big picture.

Modern Warfare 3 sees the return of the much loved spec ops mode. These mini games and challenges are highly addictive and push the Call of Duty gaming style to its adrenalin filled limit. We were lucky to get a play through survival mode, which is not unlike Gears of War 3's horde mode. Essentially you are tasked with defeating wave after wave of enemies, including juggernauts and yes...dogs. Not easy but incredibly rewarding.Im having trouble between 3 games assassins creed 4 batman ac and mw3 but i lik free roam games please help me?
I have arkham city and am really happy with it. Going to get ac 4 because I am excited to see how the story plays out. I find cod games good but getting to be boring and repetitive. Will get mw3 when its cheaper.Im having trouble between 3 games assassins creed 4 batman ac and mw3 but i lik free roam games please help me?
It depends on what time period and what combat style you want to play with. Personally I would go with Batman Arkham City because the world is HUGE and everyone loves the game and it has had nothing but good reviews.
Thats a hard one id go with mw3 personally im a cod fan. But ive heard really good things about acr. Arkham city ive seen played and it looksto slow played out. Just go with assassins creed theres always blockbusters for mw3
totally batman

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